Implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement adopted

The so called rulebook agreed at the Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland (COP24) in December 2018 provides a solid technical basis for the global implementation of the Paris Climate Convention. To avert the climate crisis, however, it is essential that all states show significantly more political will to implement the agreement swiftly. In this follow-up paper, we present the most important decisions, above all on the elements of the implementation guidelines and - where relevant - the political compromises between the states on them. We also analyse where we consider the rules to be robust enough - and where not.

Press Release
Global CO2 emissions are rising again / Sweden and Morocco leading countries, Morocco with significant expansion of renewable energy / Eight of the G20-countries perform very low - USA and Saudi Arabia at the bottom of the index

After three consecutive years of stable CO2 emissions, emissions are rising again. The Climate Change Performance Index 2019 (CCPI), published today at COP24 in Katowice, shows only few countries have started to implement strategies to limit global warming well below 2 or even 1.5°C. While there is a continued growth and competitiveness of renewable energy, especially in countries that had low shares before, the CCPI shows a lack of political will of most governments to phase out fossil fuels with the necessary speed. Because of that, in most countries the climate policy evaluation by national experts is significantly lower than in the last years.


Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) can play a critical role in limiting climate change and helping communities adapt to its impacts. Since 2011, they have provided nearly $200 billion in finance for climate change mitigation and adaptation (so-called “climate finance”). The World Bank Group’s recent announcement that it will increase its climate-related investments means this number is likely to grow. But while climate finance is important, it makes up less than a quarter of all finance provided by the MDBs. The rest goes to activities that may (or may not) undermine climate goals.

How the Multilateral Development Banks Can Better Support the Paris Agreement

The world’s climate goals can only be reached with enough high quality financial support. Multilateral development banks (MDBs) have to play a vital role in efforts to shift global finance flows towards a sustainable future.
The report aims to support the ongoing efforts by MDBs to achieve alignment between their activities and the global climate goals and to help shareholders and stakeholders to screen projects and strategies for Paris alignment. It can also serve as a discussion basis for the efforts of other financial institutions to align their financial flows.

Press Release
2017 year with highest weather-related losses ever recorded / Increased intensity of storms takes a toll particularly on poor countries / Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka and Dominica hardest hit in 2017 / In the past 20 years over 525,000 people have been killed by more than 11,500 extreme weather events that caused trillions US$ in damages

Tropical cyclones have heavy impacts on an increasing number of countries. In 2017, the hurricane season in the Caribbean Sea was particularly strong and left several islands destroyed. Furthermore there are some developing countries that have difficulties to recover as they are regularly hit by weather catastrophes. Especially poorer countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal or Vietnam are facing great challenges. All in all, in 2017 11.500 people died because of extreme weather events. Economic damages amounted to approximately US$ 375 billion (calculated in purchasing-power parity, PPP). So it was the year with the highest weather-related losses ever recorded.

CFAS COP24 Climate Finance Guide

This CFAS Climate Finance Guide provides negotiators and observers with an overview of the key issues related to climate finance that will be discussed at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to be held from 3 to 15 December 2018 in Katowice, Poland.

CFAS Policy Brief COP24: Predictability of Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement

This policy brief summarizes the status quo of negotiations on Article 9.5 of the Paris Agreement, including closer looks at the actors to be involved, at the provisional list of information to be covered and at the modalities under debate. It concludes with an overview of negotiation streams at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that deal with Article 9.5 and provides recommendations on how to make progress on the topic.

Cover Allianz Klima- und Energiemonitor 2018
Assessing the needs and attractiveness of low-carbon investments in G20 countries

Der Allianz Klima- und Energiemonitor vergleicht die G20-Staaten hinsichtlich ihrer Attraktivität für Investitionen in eine emissionsfreie Energie-Infrastruktur. Zudem berechnet er den momentanen und künftigen Investitionsbedarf – davon ausgehend, dass die Klimaziele des Pariser Abkommens, deutlich unter 2 Grad bzw. möglichst 1,5 Grad Erwärmung, eingehalten werden sollen. Der Monitor wurde zum dritten Mal von der Allianz SE in Kooperation mit Germanwatch und dem NewClimate Institute erstellt.