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Blog post by Sönke Kreft and Sven Harmeling, February 2016
The Paris climate summit was a remarkable success of climate diplomacy. Vulnerable countries achieved to anchor adaptation, resilience making and addressing loss and damage squarely on the international climate policy agenda of the coming years. This includes among others the creation of a long-term adaptation goal, the linkage of adaptation commitments to manifesting temperature pathways, the inclusion of adaptation in the Paris ratcheting architecture, the strengthening of 'good' adaptation principles, and specific commitments of countries to support, undertake and internationally disclose adaptation actions.
Post by Lisa Junghans, January 2016
Lisa Junghans, Policy Advisor – Climate Change, Adaptation and Urban Transformation at Germanwatch talks at the Climate & Development Knowledge Network- Website about a recent CDKN-supported publication on financing climate compatible development in cities. The publication is an output of CDKN supported project.
Guest blog by Julia Dennis, December 2015
Over December 5-6 at the Palais du Congress, the 3rd Annual Global Landscapes Forum (#GLFCOP21) was the largest other meeting in Paris during COP21, attracting close to 3,500 participants, exhibitors and speakers from across disciplines and sectors. Instead of focusing on national climate commitments, the GLF explored alternative ‘un-siloed’ approaches to land use in a warming world, and perhaps equally important, how to finance them.
Blogpost by Rixa Schwarz, October 2015
Laut des Beschlusses der UN-Klimakonferenz in Lima im Dezember 2014 sollen alle Staaten ihre nationalen Klimaschutzpläne im Laufe des Jahres 2015 vorlegen. Diese selbst gesteckten, nationalen Minderungsbeiträge, sogenannte INDCs (intended nationally determined contributions), stellen eine wichtige Grundlage für ein neues globales Klimaabkommen dar, welches in Paris im Dezember 2015 geschlossen werden soll. Kurz nach Ende der Frist am 1. Oktober, bis zu der die Staaten ihre INDCs vorlegen sollten, fand das INDC Forum in Rabat vom 12.-13. Oktober 2015 statt.
Blogpost by Darpan Vaishnav, October 2015
If the 'common' people in India are supposed to be made aware of climate change and its impacts, they are supposed to hear it in their 'language' or precisely, their medium of understanding. And they will start to act with their own means. This message floats out as a clear conclusion in this article judging from my interaction with people from different walks of life. This article focuses not only on some key questions that highlight the challenges faced over climate change awareness raising but also some communications goals in accordance to different segments of people in India.
Blog-Beitrag von Jan Burck, Dezember 2014
Germany currently faces a political challenge towards the transformation of its energy system, known as "Energiewende." Many people associate the "Energiewende" in Germany with the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima 2011. However, the starting point for the German "Energiewende" is rooted in the increasing environmental awareness and the anti-nuclear movement of the 70s. In the 70s, the term "Energiewende" had already been coined and was used by nuclear opponents, who searched for alternative forms of energy supply...