Informationen für Verbraucher:innen

Auge und Hinsehen

Infos für VerbraucherInnen (Liste)

How the Multilateral Development Banks Can Better Support the Paris Agreement

The world’s climate goals can only be reached with enough high quality financial support. Multilateral development banks (MDBs) have to play a vital role in efforts to shift global finance flows towards a sustainable future.
The report aims to support the ongoing efforts by MDBs to achieve alignment between their activities and the global climate goals and to help shareholders and stakeholders to screen projects and strategies for Paris alignment. It can also serve as a discussion basis for the efforts of other financial institutions to align their financial flows.

In June 2018, the European Commission installed a Technical Expert Group to develop a classification for sustainable finance. That human rights considerations are almost entirely absent from the group’s mandate considerably weakens the current approach, criticises Germanwatch alongside other pressure groups.
Putting German Business and Policy to the Test
This executive summary of the report by Germanwatch and MISEREOR is all about energy – a sector that is inextricably linked to globalisation and is associated time and time again with human rights violations. The study explores the question of whether and to what extent German business and the German Government have implemented the demands of the UN Guiding Principles to date.
The case of RWE points to the major responsibility of large energy companies
The Peruvian farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya has filed a lawsuit against RWE.
Staying below two degrees means ending the use of coal, oil and gas
The international community has agreed several times that climate change must be limited to below 2°C. Many of the most vulnerable countries demand that this upper limit be tightened to 1.5°C to avoid further negative impacts on their populations. These global temperature limits will likely be included in the Paris Agreement as well. But temperature goals are very abstract. Paris will deliver an agreement – but emission reductions have to be realized on national, subnational, local and private levels...
Goals, Frictions, and Background Information in the Area of Climate Change
At the G7 summit in Elmau on 7 and 8 June 2015, the most important and affluent industrial nations will discuss how to facilitate the adoption of a new global climate change treaty. This white paper illuminates key background issues in the run up to the summit. It also identifies three signals that must be sent by the summit to underscore the commitment of industrial nations to preventing catastrophic climate change.
Handbook – Part 1
This handbook by Germanwatch highlights new approaches that have been tested by the partners of the European BESTGRID project. Within BESTGRID, Transmission system operators from Belgium, the UK, Italy and Germany have closely cooperated with national and regional non-governmental organisations. Germanwatch has been following the jointly developed good-practice approaches to early and transparent power grid planning and has compiled its findings in this handbook.
GoodElectronics Network and International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT) demand less use of chemicals and more rights in production
Working in IT-production can entail lethal consequences: workers are often exposed to hazardous chemicals and suffer from a higher cancer risk. Therefore, Germanwatch supports a challenge presented to the electronic industry to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals and to guarantee a better protection of workers and environment.
Insurances for developing countries
These teaching materials provide school pupils with the chance to work independently through the thematic complex surrounding climate change and weather-related climatic events.
Everyday life tips for saving our climate
The handy leaflet offers useful tips and tricks for changing your lifestyle to a more climate friendly one. It provides ideas for different areas: mobility, living, consumption, nutrition, investment and last but not least political involvement.

Service und Tipps für VerbraucherInnen

Wie kann man den eigenen ökologischen Fußabdruck verkleinern und den sozialen Handabdruck vergrößern?
>> Aktion Hand Print für nachhaltiges Verbraucherverhalten

Was tun mit alten Handys & PCs?
>> Tipps zum Umgang mit alten Elektronikgeräten

Was hat mein Konsumverhalten mit dem Klima zu tun?
>> Tipps für klimafreundliche Verbraucherentscheidungen

Gibt es "faire" Handys?
>> Im Blickpunkt: das "Fairphone"
>> Studie zur Unternehmensverantwortung von deutschen Mobilfunkanbietern

Welche "fairen" IT-Produkte gibt es noch?
>> Im Blickpunkt: Computermaus von NagerIT

Wie können wir mit unserem Handeln dazu beitragen, Ressourcen zu schonen?
>> Acht Leitlinien für nachhaltigen Konsum

Kurzfilm: Die Rechnung

In dem Kurzfilm von Peter Wedel steht der CO2-intensive Lebensstil eines Großstädters im Gegensatz zu den vom Klimawandel am stärksten betroffenen Menschen in Entwicklungsländern.

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