News | 13 June 2013

"Adaptation to climate change for the most vulnerable: Lessons learnt from the Adaptation Fund and beyond"

International Conference on 2nd July 2013

Adaptation to climate change is becoming increasingly necessary in order to safeguard development progress. The UN Adaptation Fund finances concrete adaptation projects in vulnerable developing countries. Adaptation in the area of food security, but also for the poor in the developing world´s megacities are important strategies which are funded by the Adaptation Fund. The conference will serve as an exchange platform between political decision-makers and civil society, between academia and UN institutions on the experience with implementing such adadaptation measures, in the Adaptation Fund and beyond. The conference will be hosted by the Adaptation Fund NGO Network, which is coordinated by Germanwatch. The conference will take place in the context of the 21st meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board.

Please register until 26 June 2013: