Brief summary:
The second meeting of the Adaptation Committee – scheduled for the 5th to the 8th of March – represents a critical juncture for its work. The AC – the UNFCCC’s primary advisory body on matters related to adaptation – will have a head start to implement its recently endorsed 3 years work plan.
Issues on the agenda include:
- analyse and establish concrete activities to advance the coherence on adaptation under the Convention;
- initiate a process to engage UN and regional agencies to report on adaptation support;
- develop concrete products (list of adaptation experts and a clearing house mechanism for national adaptation planning);
- start a process to develop guidance on national adaptation planning for non-LDCs;
- develop ideas for an adaptation overview report, periodic reports and a high-level adaptation forum;
- provide inputs into the long-term finance discussions;
- embark on a communication strategy.
This time the AC needs to role up its sleeves and bring the work plan to a good start. The first meeting of the AC was an exception – a hasty start with little preparation possible as a result of late nominations. The second meeting will give much more insights in the ordinary working mode of the AC.
Publication data
Date:Sönke Kreft & Sven Harmeling
Pages: 16
Permalink: https://www.germanwatch.org/en/node/6459